Paweł Wyżga received his bachelor’s (2015) and master’s (2016) degrees in materials engineering at the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, AGH University in Krakow. The scope of his research was focused on thermoelectric properties of AgSbTe2. Shortly after graduation, he moved to TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, where he started his PhD project in physics in cooperation with Max Planck Institute of Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden. In 2021, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled “Thermoelectric properties of mineral-like compounds containing sulfur”. Subsequently, he moved back to Poland and was employed as a Chemist in InPhoCat – Innovative Photocatalytic Solutions Sp. z o.o. He was involved in the Polish-Norwegian project “HERA (Hydrogen Energy Rechargeable Architectures): Coupling of on-demand hydrogen generation and storage”, which aimed at developing photoelectochemical device with in-situ hydrogen production and storage. He has recently joined the Team of Photocatalysis for the post-doc position in OPUS-23 project entitled “Photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic coatings with a gradient composition”. He is an author of 14 publications (cited ca. 150 times, h = 8).
Scientific interests:
materials for electronics and energy, 3D-printing