
The equipment we have at the TEAM of Photocatalysis:


TESCAN VEGA 3 scanning electron microscope
SE, BSE, EDX  and STEM detectors and LaB6 electron gun
 Shimadzu QP2020 GCMS system with EI and CI
Quantachrome autosorb
Gas sorption analyzer
UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometers
with integrating spheres

Shimadzu Prominence-i LC-2030 3D HPLC
Instytut Fotonowy 

Photoelectric spectrometer
for quantum efficiency measurement,
High power LED irradiators

Instytut Fotonowy 
Kelvin Probe
Autolab PGSTAT302N potentiostat
Equipment for DOS measurements

PerkinElmer Lambda 12 and BioLogic SP-150 potentiostat

Laboratory of synthesis with Schlenk line
TOV-VCSH Shimadzu TOC and TON analyzer
Diener low pressure plasma generator
Thermo Scientific and HP/Agilent

Gas chromatographs with TCD and FID detectors

Wanhao Duplicator 4 Dual extruder 3D printer
Polychromator (Instytut Fotonowy)
Instytut Fotonowy 150 W Xe illuminators
Opentrons OT-2




Brother Furnace XD-12NT


UV-Vis spectrophotometer

HP8453 Diode Array

PerkinElmer LS 55 spectrofluorometer
PerkinElmer Spectrum BX II

FT-IR spectrophotometer


  • HPLC with UV/VIS detector (Perkin Elmer Series 200, Perkin Elmer Flexar)
  • PyroScience Firesting O2 fluorescence oxygen detector
  • BLUE PLANET DST50 Ozone generator
  • SPS-Europe SPIN150 Spin coater
  • MTI Corporation SS-00AB Dip coater
  • ERTEC Microvawe reactor
  • OPHIR NOVA II light intensity meter
  • Comet StellarNet Inc BLACK- light intensity meter
  • IMPS/IMVS spectrophotometer
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